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Свята та святкування. Holidays and celebrations.

6 Form

Тема: Свята та святкування. Holidays and celebrations.

Мета: Активувати лексику теми. Ознайомити учнів з традиціями святкування деяких свят.
Навчити учнів планувати свої повідомлення. Формувати навички монологічного мовлення. Практикувати учнів в читанні, аудіюванні та письмі. Продовжувати удосконалювати техніку читання.
Розвивати вміння працювати в групах. Виховувати інтерес до культурних традицій свого та інших народів.
Обладнання: підручник; картки для роботи в групах ( НО1), картки для складання діалогу ( НО2), картинки.
Хід уроку:
?. Організаційний момент.
Greeting: Good morning to you. How are you?
Aim: Today we are going to speak about holidays in our countries and about the ways of their celebrations. You’ll also learn about the most mysterious place in Great Britain.
We are also going to practice Tag – questions.
Warming up: First of all we’ll review some rhymes about seasons and holidays.
a) This is the reason, when children ski
And Santa Claus brings the New Year Tree
b) December comes with white snow
And cold winds begin to blow
From the cold and starlit sky
Merry snowflakes fly and fly
They fall softly in the night
All are still and white.
c) New Year Day, happy day
We are all glad and very gay
We all dance and sing and say
Welcome! Welcome New Year Day!
d) Christmas Day, Christmas Day
Let us sing and let us play
Santa Claus bring many toys
For little girls and little boys
e) And how let’s play the game “ What’s the Date“
We are in for many holidays. Some of them are happy others are merry and funny.
There are some cards on my desk. There are names of holidays on them. Come up to
my desk and name the dates of their celebration.
Cards: Christmas (Ukraine), Christmas (Great Britain) , Easter, St. Valentine’s Day,
Halloween, St. Nicolas Day, New Year Day.
??. Основна частина уроку
1. Listening:
How you’ll listen to the text “Holidays and their symbols“
Pre- listening: Answer the question: What do you associate with the world holidays?
P1 I thing about … happiness, presents, fun, love/
After- listening tasks: 1) Match the names of the holidays and their symbols:
a) Christmas;
b) New Year;
c) St. Valentine’s Day;
d) Thanksgiving Day;
e) Mother’s Day.
2) Arrange the sentences in the correct order according to the text:
a) All greeting cards have pictures and symbols of every holiday;
b) People of each country have a lot of holidays;
c) Santa Claus and a red stocking are symbols of Christmas;
d) We usually write greeting cards to congratulate our friends and relatives;
e) You can often see a nice cake and flowers on the cards congratulating with birthday;
f) Pumpkin with cut eyes and mouth is the symbol of Halloween;
g) Spring flowers are usually in the pictures we prepare for Mother’s Day.
2. Speaking: Now we’ll arrange ourselves in groups, in three groups and you’ll play the game “Collect the information“.
Each group receives some stripes with information and chooses the leader of the group. You tell the information to you leader first and then the leader tells everything she or he has heard to us.
2. Writing
T: We can’t image our holidays without presents and of course without greeting cards. At our previous lessons we’ve learned some phrases necessary to congratulate people on different holidays.
Now three groups will create greeting cards for different holidays.
You were asked to invent cards at home and now sing your cards.
Group ?. Create greeting cards on the coming New Year.
Group ??. Create greeting cards on the coming Christmas.
Group ???. Create greeting cards on your friend’s birthday.
Read your cards
Lets now relax and sing the most popular Christmas song “Jingle Bells“
Pair Work: Now we’ll work in pairs and make up dialogues about holidays and ways and traditions of their celebration.
Dialogue 1 Put the sentences in the right order to make up a dialogue
– Hello Mag!
– Hi John!
– Where are you going?
– I am going shopping to buy greeting cards. Christmas is on the way.
– Whom do you send greetings to?
– Tommy relatives and friends.
– How do you celebrate Christmas in you family?
– We decorate Christmas tree and my mother prepares Christmas dinner.
– Do you write a letter to Santa Claus before Christmas?
– Oh, certainly. I like to receive presents.
– Bye!
Dialogue 2
– Hello Bob!
– Hi Chris!
– We are in for many holidays. What is your favourite holiday?
– It’s, of course, my birthday.
– Why do you like it so much?
– I receive a lot of presents on this day.
– What presents do you usually receive?
– Sweets, toys and books of course.
– Do you have a lot of fun on this day?
– Yes, I do. My birthday party is usually very lovely.
– Bye!
– Bye!
Dialogue 3
– Hello Mary!
– Hello.
– Why do you look so happy?
– Winter is on the way.
– It is your favourite season?
– Yes, certainly. I like it very much.
– Why?
– There are a lot of holidays in winter,
– What holiday do you like best?
– St. Nicolas Day. I receive a lot of presents on this day.
– Thanks for a talk. Bye.
– Bye!
Reading Text “Stonehenge“ p 69
Pre- reading: What can you see in the pictures? Is it a monument or something else? Do you know anything about it? Let’s us read about this the most mysterious place in Great Britain, because there are some traditions connected with it.
Post- Reading.
1. Is Stonehenge an ancient monument?
2. How old is it now?
3. Was it a king of calendar in ancient time?
4. What is an old custom that is still living at Stonehenge?
5. Whom was it bult by? ( by druids)
Celtic priests
Grammar Practice:
Complete each question with a question tag.
1. The old New Year’s Eve is on January 13,…………………………………….?
2. Chinese people don’t celebrate Christmas ,…………………………………….?
3. She has got many presents ,…………………………………………………….?
4. They will make fireworks in the streets ,………………………………………?
5. Children didn’t make a snowman ,…………………………………………….?
6. We were not happy on this day,……………………………………………….?
Project Works.
Some creative hard-working pupils have prepared project works about holidays and celebrations. Let them introduce their projects to the public.
???. Заключна частина уроку.
Homework: Exercise 3 p.46 WB
Summarizing: I’m very pleased with you. You’ve done a great job at the lesson.
Superstitions connected with Christmas and New Year’s Day
Match the parts of the sentences to make superstitions

1. If the wind is blowing on Christmas Day….
2. If you want to have a good health….

3. If you want to be happy….

4. If you wear new shoes on Christmas Day….

5. If you refuse a mince pie at Christmas dinner……

6. If you cut mince pie…..

7. If it snows on Christmas Day…

8. If you cry on New Years Day….

9. If a dark-haired man comes first on New Year Day….

…..eat an apple on Christmas Eve.

…..eat Christmas pudding.

…..it will bring you a bad luck.

….you will have bad luck.

…..you will cut your luck too.

…..Easter will be green.

…..you will be crying all the year.

…..it will bring good luck into your house.

…you are in for a good year.

Підготувала: вч. англійської мови Гриньків Д.І.

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